news. regional & smart.

"Neckarquelle" mobile app

ImagineOn has built a complete digital publishing system for tablets and smartphones for the publishing company Hermann Kuhn Verlag Gmbh & Co KG.

With a circulation of around 10,000 copies a day, the "Neckarquelle" is an independent newspaper from Southern Germany publishing news for several cities including Villingen-Schwnningen, Trossingen, Bad Durrhein and the region Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg.

In 2013, ImagineOn has developed a digital publishing solution for the newspaper, allowing the publisher to access all the pre-press data and transfer it into the existing workflow, and prepare those  for tablets on the iOS and Android platform. As of 2015, a smartphone version has also been created. 

In addition to the print version content, the digital version offers News-Feeds, Video content, as well as a raffle. 

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